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Regufoam WC Strip

Product Characteristics

Toilet seats can produce disturbing impact sounds during flushing and use, especially floor-standing toilets. With the 2 mm REGUFOAM® WC Strip, the impact noise is effectively dampened.

The REGUFOAM® WC Strip comes in a set of 2 strips for one toilet seat.


The toilet seat should not be mounted in the usual way with screws through the floor. The seat is glued to the strips using a silicone adhesive suitable for wet rooms.

  • Start by gluing the strips to the toilet seat. It is recommended to let the adhesive cure for a day to ensure good adhesion.
  • Then, using a sharp knife, trim the excess part of the strips before mounting them to the floor. If the floor covering is made of linoleum, it is recommended to cut the strips against another surface to prevent damage to the waterproof layer.
  • Subsequently, glue the toilet seat to the floor. Seal with silicone adhesive around the toilet seat to the floor if necessary.


The strips also absorb small irregularities in the floor, reducing the risk of damage to the toilet seat. As an alternative, fastening can be done using acoustic plugs or elastic washers between the screw heads and the toilet, preventing direct contact between the porcelain and the floor. However, these methods may result in a less satisfactory outcome. The best damping is achieved through adhesive bonding alone.

If elastic washers are needed or required use our product

Product Applications


Toilet seats can produce disturbing impact sounds during flushing and use, especially floor-standing toilets. With the 2 mm REGUFOAM® WC Strip, the impact noise is effectively dampened.

The REGUFOAM® WC Strip comes in a set of 2 strips for one toilet seat.


The toilet seat should not be mounted in the usual way with screws through the floor. The seat is glued to the strips using a silicone adhesive suitable for wet rooms.

  • Start by gluing the strips to the toilet seat. It is recommended to let the adhesive cure for a day to ensure good adhesion.
  • Then, using a sharp knife, trim the excess part of the strips before mounting them to the floor. If the floor covering is made of linoleum, it is recommended to cut the strips against another surface to prevent damage to the waterproof layer.
  • Subsequently, glue the toilet seat to the floor. Seal with silicone adhesive around the toilet seat to the floor if necessary.


The strips also absorb small irregularities in the floor, reducing the risk of damage to the toilet seat. As an alternative, fastening can be done using acoustic plugs or elastic washers between the screw heads and the toilet, preventing direct contact between the porcelain and the floor. However, these methods may result in a less satisfactory outcome. The best damping is achieved through adhesive bonding alone.

If elastic washers are needed or required use our product

Technical Specifications


Sheet number One

Ref QA B OD b C Weight (kg)
    free   free   “W” “HW”
V43W, -HW 95 47 80 31 M16 x 400 0.4 0.9
V43W, -HW 95 47 80 31 M16 x 400 0.4 0.9
V43W, -HW 95 47 80 31 M16 x 400 0.4 0.9


Type Max load in daN (=kg) - Test STEFAN Weight (kg)
40 50 70
DMS 020 1250 2100 2400 843
Type Max load in daN (=kg) - Test Mikey samma fil Weight (kg)
40 50 70
DMS 020 1250 2100 2400 843


Regufoam 190

REGUFOAM Vibration 190Plus
Physical property Norm Result Comment
Static modulus of elasticity Based on EN 826 Tangential modulus, see fi gure “modulus of elasticity”
Dynamic modulus of elasticity Based on DIN 53513 Depending on frequency, load and thickness, see fi gure “dynamic stiffness“
Mechanical loss factor DIN 53513 Load-, amplitude- and frequency-dependent
Compression set Based on DIN EN ISO 1856 Measured 30 minutes after decompression with 50 % deformation / 23 °C after 72 hrs
Tensile strength Based on DIN EN ISO 1798
Elongation at break Based on DIN EN ISO 1798
Tear resistance Based on DIN ISO 34-1
Fire behaviour DIN 4102 B2
DIN EN 13501-1 E
Sliding friction REGUPOL-laboratory 0.7 Steel (dry)
REGUPOL-laboratory 0.8 Concrete (dry)
Compression hardness Based on DIN EN ISO 3386-2 22 kPa Compressive stress at 25 % deformation test specimen h = 25 mm
Rebound elasticity Based on DIN EN ISO 8307 35% dependent on thickness, test specimen h = 25 mm
Force reduction DIN EN 14904 61% dependent on thickness, test specimen h = 25 mm


Static load bearing capacity Up to 0.022 N/mm
Material deflection 0.1 - 0.2 mm
Natural frequency down to 9 Hz
Dimensions (fits most toilets) 520 × 50 x 2 mm
Installation 2 WC-Strips / Toilet
